You know those leftover 2×4’s, 2×6’s, etc., that you have in your garage? What are you going to do with them? One option is to build a cascade stand.
This is a very simple project that can be done with the scrap lumber that most of us have laying around the shop. All you need to do is square up the edges of your leftover 2x’s and rip them to the correct widths. You can complete this project in no time.
Cascade stand design
The standard design, and what I built, is 18 inches tall and can double as a stool, but you can adjust the measurements for different heights. You can even build three or four different heights for a grouping of stands.
Watch me build the Cascade Stand
What I learned
Square up your 2x’s – The reality is that it is very hard to build this project with standard 2x material unless you square up the edges. The corners on most 2x lumber are rounded over slightly. For best results, use nice flat 2x material (no cupping) and rip the edges of the 2x’s so that the round-over is removed. If you have a planer, it’s worth running your stock through a couple times to make sure the surface is nice and flat.
Tools and techniques
- table saw
- palm/orbital sander
- clamps – for an extra set of hands and gluing
- drill driver
- surface planer (optional)
2 Responses
Wow You build faster than the eye can see
Hah! Sorry about that. I did a time lapse when I was building it, but hopefully you still get the gist of how it goes together.
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